The Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting for tonight has been cancelled
The Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting for tonight has been cancelled
We have seven members including the Mayor and a member of the Board of Aldermen. The Commission reviews and makes recommendations to the Board of Aldermen concerning zoning and subdivision issues, including site plan and plat submittals, amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, conditional use permit requests, and other duties as may be assigned by State law and/or the Board of Aldermen.
Our Planning & Zoning Commission ensure that our City zoning and subdivision issues, site plans, permit requests, plat submittals, disputes, appeals and hearings are taken care of in the best interest of the Residents and the City.
Transcripts are generated outside our system therefore accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
The Commission meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month on as needed basis at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall.